Building maintenance

Floor Repairs Complete

After a long day on Sunday, the floor repairs are now complete. The final section in the east, front corner was challenging due to the weight of the table sitting on the joists that needed replacing. We took the opportunity to put in extra joists running right under each leg of the table to ensure the floorboards weren’t supporting the weight. The load-bearing wall plate has also been replaced around the entire room and now sit on a proper damp course.

In total, 60 metres of damp course was installed, 200 metres of new 50×100 joists, 25 sheets of moisture resistant chipboard, 90 coach bolts and hundreds of screws!

In addition to the flooring, new armoured cables have been laid under both tables for the later installation of sockets and table heaters. A new ring main cable has been run around most of the room so extra sockets can be installed where required and the light meters can be rewired into modern electrics. When the walls are complete and the carpet tiles laid, the club should be a safe and enjoyable place for many years to come.

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