Building maintenance

Upcoming Disruption

Repair work to the floor will begin on Friday 2nd October and will continue through the weekend of the 3rd and 4th. Further work will take place over the period Fri 9th to Sun 11th October. While every effort will be made to keep the tables accessible and usable, there are likely to be times when only one table is available. We apologise for this disruption but, I’m sure you’ll all agree, the work is absolutely necessary to keep the club in a good state of repair.

Table dust covers

The repair work is likely to generate a lot of dust and much of this will settle on the table’s dust sheets. Inevitably the dust sheets will sometimes get turned over while off the table and much of the dust will then be transferred to the cloth. During this period, please take the dust sheets outside and shake them out before putting them back on the tables.

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